Brand Aquisition User Testing

Stride Gaming PLC had acquired a new company with legacy products that were both out of date design wise and usability wise.

The project team consisted of a senior UX researcher, a UX designer and a UI designer and myself as Head of UX/UI.

I were tasked with running a full heuristic review of the merged company’s game platforms followed by user testing many of the site’s journeys to identify potential pain points. The issue needed to be solved was that new user signups were low compared to the retention of existing customers

Heuristic UX Review

“Heuristic evaluation involves having a small set of evaluators examine the interface and judge its compliance with recognized usability principles (the ‘heuristics’).”Jakob Nielsen

The partners gaming sites were slightly out dated to say the least and very overwhelming colour schemes that lacked a professional finish and trust factor was low.

Below is the overview of what was covered in the heuristic analysis and one of the many partner brands that we had to review

User Testing

We booked user testing candidates that fit the demographic of online gaming brands in order to gain valuable insights into what was acting as a blocker to new user acquisition. Below is an example of how I tracked candidates time slots.

Scroll though the slide gallery below to see some key finding and pain points recorded from user testing sessions

Proposing a long term plan

For each of the newly acquired brands that were analysed and tested a highly detailed report was created detailing key observations and accompanied by recommendations in order to resolve potential issues.

The next step was for these reports to be digested by product teams and management so in order to make findings clear and understandable I tasked my senior UX researcher to present to individual key teams.


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